If your current Handy client license has a purchase date more than 1 year
prior to the release date of the current version, there would be an upgrade fee
required to use the new version. You can check your purchase date within
Handy under "Help / About...". The release date for the current
version is shown on the Handy Client download page.
To upgrade your Handy Client license visit the
purchase upgrade page. Licensed users of older versions may download
their version here.
March 8, 2025: Version 11.3
Improvements to the "Find" dialog box |
Improvements to entering web addresses |
Other minor bug fixes/improvements |
January 29, 2024: Version 11.2
Online field names are now user-adjustable |
Improvements to the Notes details pane, for larger capacity and a new Paste menu command |
Setup program now offers the choice to launch the program upon completion |
March 7, 2023: Version 11.1
Fixed bug where current age could be displayed incorrectly |
February 21, 2023: Version 11.0
Added ability to resize the 2 halves of the details section |
Made entering of the year for birthday and anniversary optional |
May 7, 2022: Version 10.0
Updated for Windows 11 compatibility |
vCard importing improvements |
January 10, 2022: Version 9.10
Added check and error message when adding too many categories to a contact. Category string is limited to 255 characters in length, so the sum of all category names cannot exceed this. |
July 3, 2021: Version 9.8
Minor cosmetic improvements |
April 15, 2021: Version 9.6
Changed the action when double clicking on regular, non-hyperlinked text in the Details windows.
Now, when double clicking on regular text the word is selected.
If you double click on an empty area, the contact is opened in the address editor.
Previously the address editor was always opened when double clicking on regular text.
This change is designed to make it easier to copy text out of the Details windows. |
Improved the formatting of non-US addresses |
October 23, 2020: Version 9.5
Added option to customize the size of the dialog boxes shown throughout the program (File / Options... / Options) |
December 18, 2019: Version 9.4
Added support for inserting links to files with spaces |
December 12, 2019: Version 9.3
Added ability to link contacts to any number of files |
February 20, 2019: Version 9.2
Improved display of alphabet filter bar by offering different button sizes |
February 15, 2019: Version 9.1
Improvements to appearance, including support for high resolution displays and adjustable toolbar button sizes |
New "File / Save As..." command for saving local books |
Variety of other minor improvements |
June 5, 2018: Version 9.0
Made the toolbar user-adjustable to add/remove buttons for commonly used commands |
Increased number of available custom fields to 8 |
Variety of other minor improvements and bug fixes |
August 7, 2017: Version 8.3
Made several dialogs re-sizable |
Bug fix that could cause program to crash |
January 23, 2017: Version 8.2
Improved security/speed by building with latest compiler |
Fixed issue where dialogs would sometimes not display properly |
May 6, 2016: Version 8.1
Improved Print Preview that shows page numbers |
Improved Envelope printing, including the ability to add an image next to the return address |
Updated user interface for more modern look |
Miscellaneous speed improvements |
July 31, 2015: Version 8.0
Windows 10 compatibility updates |
May 27, 2015: Version 7.7
Fixed issue where main window could sometimes start off the screen |
March 7, 2015: Version 7.6
Fixed bug where booklet printing could omit the last line under some conditions |
Improved reliability of the setup program |
November 25, 2014: Version 7.5
Fixed bug where license key would not be remembered when in portable mode |
November 22, 2014: Version 7.4
Added "Current Age" to display in Details view for Birthday and Anniversary |
October 13, 2014: Version 7.3
Added "Advanced" mode to allow customizing text on labels and delivery address for envelopes |
Added a new option on the Print dialog to specify which pages to print |
Added "Copy" button to the call log dialog to copy the full call log to
the clipboard |
May 1, 2014: Version 7.2
Added ability to add any image to printed labels |
Added support for printing contact's photo in the Details print style. Image size is determined by resolution stored. See the "Advanced..." button when setting a contact's photo to adjust the stored resolution. |
Improved .ABK import such that category definitions are also imported |
In "Booklet" and "Small Book" print styles, if both the "Default" address/email/phone and the specific field assigned as the default were selected for printing, the same field would be printed twice. Changed this so it now only prints once. |
Accessibility improvement: Added keyboard shortcuts for dialing phone numbers and Skype address ("Actions / Dial Phone" menu commands) |
February 5, 2013: Version 7.1
Bug fix relating to contact photos |
January 30, 2013: Version 7.0
Added support for contact pictures. Requires the use of Handy
Address Book Server 3.0 or later, or a local address book. |
Windows 8 compatibility |
August 6, 2012: Version 6.0
Added support for dialing with Skype and tracking a contact's Skype Name |
Improved several minor details in printing |
Prevented the list view from accidentally being resized down to zero size,
making it hard to figure out where the list view went |
Several bug fixes |
September 4, 2011: Version 5.5
New search option to maintain selected addresses across multiple searches |
Improved vCard importing support |
Several bug fixes |
March 9, 2011: Version 5.4
Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 7 SP1 relating to the tray icon |
September 7, 2010: Version 5.3
Several bug fixes, and changed list view sorting on birthday/anniversary
to only sort by date within current year |
August 21, 2010: Version 5.1
Improved vCard importing support |
Added support for Ctrl+V shortcut to paste when editing notes in the main
details window |
Bug fix: Small Booklet print style was not honoring specified booklet
size. It was always printing the largest booklet that would fit on the
specified paper size. |
Bug fix: Editing notes in the main details window would lock up the
program when using a book on the Handy Address Book Server |
Other minor improvements |
April 23, 2010: Version 5.0
Added new "Small Book" print style. Creates a compact double sided, folded
book suitable for carrying around in your wallet or purse. The pocket book is
made by printing both sides of the paper in 2 passes, and then you cut the
papers in half, stack them all together, and fold. Handy walks you through the
process when printing. This new print style offers flexible customization
options, including which fields to include in your book, fonts, formatting,
and book size. |
New automatic backup feature. Backups can be made automatically when the
program exits. You can customize how many backups to keep, and where to store
them. See "File / Options... / Backup". |
Notes for a contact can be edited directly in the main window. The right
hand side of the Details Window displays the notes, and you can now edit them
directly in this window. Previously you had to open this contact up in the
address editor to make changes. This feature can be enabled/disabled under
"File / Options... / Options". |
When using the Find Addresses command the search text will be highlighted
in the Details Windows. Options are available to enable/disable this
highlighting, the highlight color, and whether or not the highlighting remains
persistent until the next search. When the highlighting is set to be
persistent, the search text of newly selected contacts continues to be
highlighted as you change to any other selected contact. See the new "..."
button in the Find Addresses dialog to adjust these options. |
New options to have the E-mail commands only copy the address(es) to the
clipboard. Intended to be used with web based e-mail accounts. Most web based
e-mail accounts do not support Simple MAPI, so e-mails cannot be originated
from Handy Address Book. Using this new option allows you to easily copy/paste
the e-mail addresses when composing a new e-mail. See "File / Options... /
E-mail" for these new options. Copying can either include the display name or
not, and you can also optionally have a dialog display the details of what has
been copied to the clipboard. |
New "Compact Format" option for the Booklet print style. When this option
is used any phone numbers are printed on the right hand side, instead of on
their own lines. Helps reduce vertical space used, making the book more
compact. |
When adding a new contact that would not be displayed due to current
alphabet or category filters, these filters are automatically turned off so
that the just entered new contact can be displayed. |
Importing of a file that is currently opened for edit in another
application is now supported. Previously any file being imported could not be
open in another application at the same time. |
Improved importing from a custom CSV or TXT file. Import mapping choices
made while importing a CSV or TXT file are remembered from your most recent
import. Importing another file with the same fields will cause the field
mappings to default to what you used during your last import. |
Significant speed improvements in exiting the program while using
"Portable Mode". |
Accessibility improvement: Added support for the context key to bring up
the right mouse menus. In addition to the context key you can also use Shift +
F10 to bring up the right mouse menu. |
Bug fix: Return addresses for the envelope print style were not being
stored/recalled properly when running in portable mode. |
February 18, 2010: Version 4.6
Added new "Portable Mode" option |
December 9, 2009: Version 4.5
Fixed issue where in some cases the desktop and start menu shortcuts would
not display the program if it is already running and hidden in the tray. |
October 26, 2009: Version 4.4
Windows 7 compatibility |
Bug fix, exporting a .abk file from the server would not create a valid
address book file |
Bug fix, program would exit after attempting to open a corrupt address
book file |
July 13, 2009: Version 4.3
Bug fix, fixed a problem communicating with Handy Address Book CGI |
Increased timeouts when communicating with Handy Address Book Server or
July 7, 2009: Version 4.2
Bug fix, fixed a problem with the quick search inadvertently introduced in
version 4.1 |
Added ability to use spaces, commas, and periods in quick search string
(not at the beginning though) |
July 7, 2009: Version 4.1
Significant speed improvements, especially when working with large address
books |
Bug fix, program could crash in some cases based on category filter
settings |
February 2, 2009: Version 4.0
Encrypt and password protect local address books (not available on shared
address books). New option saves data in an encrypted format, making
Handy Address Book suitable for storing passwords and other sensitive
information. Uses industrial strength AES encryption. See "File /
Options... / Privacy" to enable. |
Vista x64 support |
Added ability to put a "Title" on the List, Details, and Booklet
printouts. The title font, color, and contents can all be customized.
Specify the left/center/right title text and optionally add in available
fields like page number, book name, etc. |
Added ability to customize footer text when printing List, Details, and
Booklet styles. New "..." button in the Page Setup dialogs allows you to
customize the left/center/right footer text. Choose from a variety of
available fields to insert, such as the page number, book name, etc. |
Added capability to specify starting row and column when label printing
"displayed" or "selected" addresses. Previously you could only specify
the starting position when printing a single label. |
Added ability to define new, custom, envelope sizes. See "File /
Page Setup / Envelope Style... / Paper / Size / Custom Size...". |
User specified Delivery and Return address offset preferences are now
memorized separately for each envelope size |
Added new envelope printing option "Printer Requires Paper Size Exactly
Match Envelope Size" for printers with a paper size sensor that will only
print on exact envelope size specified. See "File / Page Setup / Envelope
Style...". |
Improved task tray icon robustness. If Windows Explorer crashes, Handy
will replace its icon back into the tray. |
Bug fix: Selecting a large number of categories (but not all) for display
could cause the program to crash |
Bug fix: Importing from .ABK files when "Ignore Duplicates" was selected
was not properly filtering duplicates |
Bug fix: Publishing to web could cause program to crash under certain
conditions |
September 3, 2008: Version 3.9
Updated Print Preview for Vista SP1 compatibility |
Improved Page Setup dialogs |
May 11, 2008: Version 3.8
Updated Print Preview for Vista SP1 compatibility |
January 29, 2008: Version 3.7
(effective license release date remains at November 30, 2007)
Bug fix: Permission problems under Vista when publishing an address book |
January 1, 2008: Version 3.6
(effective license release date remains at November 30, 2007)
Bug fix: Booklet printing could cause program to hang under certain
conditions |
November 30, 2007: Version 3.5
Added "File / Options... / List Display..." dialog to customize
colors and fonts for the address list view. Separate settings are
available for even/odd rows. |
Added address list view 'Templates' to memorize and recall list view field
preferences. Useful when you want to have different views easily
available. |
Can now customize which fields are available in the address search dialog |
July 20, 2007: Version 3.4
Add "File / Properties..." menu command |
Increased maximum notes for each contact to 1MB |
Added keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + S) for selecting which address/email/phone
field is being edited in the Address Editor dialog |
Windows Vista update |
July 10, 2007: Version 3.3
Added printing options to insert a page break between alphabet groups for
the List, Details, and Booklet printing styles. |
Search results list improved so that multiple selections can be made using
Ctrl and Shift keys. Enables selecting multiple search results in the
main list view. |
Added keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + S) for selecting which address/email/phone
field is being edited in the Address Editor dialog |
Changed default location for new user's address book from installation
folder to "My Documents \ Handy Address Book" |
Bug fix: "Browse..." buttons were not working under Windows 98 |
April 9, 2007: Version 3.2
(For licensing purposes the release date of 3.2
remains the same as version 3.1 (April 7, 2007) since this release is strictly a
maintenance release.)
Bug fix: Program could crash when a contact had a category assignment
manually entered that had categories longer than 15 characters |
April 7, 2007: Version 3.1
Updated for Windows Vista. Fixed several compatibility/display problems under Vista. |
Added support for Vista's "Default Programs" feature. Use
Default Programs to assign Handy to be the default program for
vCards (*.vcf) and Handy Address Book files (*.abk). |
Handy is now supported on Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003,
and Vista. |
Improved note printing by adding optional word wrap. When "File /
Options... / Options / Word Wrap Notes" option is on, notes longer than one
line will be word wrapped when printing Booklet and Details styles. |
Bug fix: Program could crash when importing certain files |
Bug fix: When a contact was assigned to a single category, the category
assignment could not be removed using the "Categories..." dialog |
December 8, 2006: Version 3.0
New "Booklet" printing style |
Printing option to print all, only even, or only odd pages.
Helpful for doing 2 sided printing. |
Printing option to print multiple copies at once |
Ability to define your own custom labels for printing |
Option to choose which fields are printed with the envelope
printing style |
Store multiple return addresses for the envelope printing style |
Export field order and selection status are now memorized and
initialized as defaults for subsequent exports |
Minor bug fixes and online help updates |
July 20, 2006: Version 2.2
Word Wrap option for the Notes
field in the address editor and in the details view |
Alphabet filter option to filter
on Name, Company, or either one |
New installation program |
Improved import wizard by displaying a progress bar during
import |
Minor bug fixes and online help updates |
September 24, 2005: Version 2.1
Removed option to overwrite an address book that couldn't be opened because it was created with a
future version of Handy. (Attempting to help prevent accidental data loss.) |
Improved appearance of installation program |
Bug fix: When using shared address books the "File / New..." command was not initiating a
logon, so if you weren't already logged on the shared option was always disabled. |
Bug fix: Program could crash under some circumstances when publishing to the web |
July 31, 2005: Version 2.0
First release of Handy Client for the Handy Server |