Handy Address Book
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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does a "bind()" error mean?
  2. Why can I only access my address book from the server?
  3. What URL should I use to go directly to my address book?
  4. How can I backup my address book?
  5. Can I run the Handy Server as a service?
  6. How do I import contacts into an address book?
  7. Do you have more detailed instructions on setting up the Handy Server with Handy Clients?
  8. Can I change the location of where Handy Server stores the data files?
  9. How can I transfer a local address book I've created with the Handy Client to the Handy Server?
  10. How do I add a picture into a contact?
  11. How do I uninstall Handy Address Book Server?
  12. I've lost my license key, can you re-send it?

Server Question:  What does a "bind()" error mean?
Answer:  This error means that the Handy Server was unable to open the specified port.  This usually happens because the port is already in use by another application or service.  For example, if you are running a web server (IIS or Apache) your port 80 is already being used.  The solution is to use a different port.  From the Handy Server window select "Administration..." and "Settings..." to choose a new port number.  Port 8080 is a good alternative.

Server Question:  Why can I only access my address book from the server?
Answer:  You might need to check the firewall settings on your server.  Make sure the Handy Server is able to receive and transmit on the operating port.

Server Question:  What URL should I use to go directly to my address book?
Answer:  You can go directly to a specific address book by appending ?CMD=LIST&BOOK=abookname to the URL of your Handy Server installation.  In this example, replace abookname with the name of your address book.  For example, if your Handy Server is at mydomain.com you would use:


to go to the List view of this address book.  If you want to bookmark the Search page instead, use:


Server Question:  How can I backup my address books?
Answer:  There are a couple of ways you can back up your address books.  If you have access to the server, simply make a copy of the address book files.  There are two files for each address book, a *.abk and a *.wst file.  These files are stored on your server at the location:


If you do not have direct access to the server, you can export your address book to a file.  Go to the Administration page of your address book and select the Export command.  Export to the Handy .CSV file format.

Server Question:  Can I run the Handy Server as a service?
Answer:  Yes.  From the Handy Server window select "Administration..." and "Settings...".  Choose the "Install As Service" button.  You can exit the Handy Server window, and re-start the server, or manually start the service from your Service Control Panel.  To get to the Service Control Panel right mouse click on "My Computer" and select "Manage".  Under "Services and Applications" select "Services".

Server Question:  How do I import contacts into an address book?
Answer:  This is generally a two step process.  First, you export from whatever program your contacts are currently in.  Then, you import this file into your address book.  To import, go to the Administration page of your address book, and choose the Import command.  Select the original source for the file you would like to import, and follow the instructions on that page.

Server Question:  Do you have more detailed instructions on setting up the Handy Server with Handy Clients?
Answer:  Yes.  Follow the steps outlined in the documentation.

Server Question:  Can I change the location of where Handy Server stores the data files?
Answer:  Yes.  The default data folder for Handy Server is: C:\ProgramData\AHABS.   You can change the data folder by either using a command line argument, or setting a registry value.  To change the data folder using a command line argument use the /data command line argument, as shown in this example:

ahabs.exe /data "C:\Data\HServer"

This example will start the Handy Server, and make the data folder C:\Data\HServer.

To change the data folder by setting a registry value, set the value of "data folder" in this key:


Either method will change the location of where Handy Server stores data files.  The command line argument will take precedence if both methods are used.  If you are running Handy Server as a service you must use the registry method if you wish to change the location of where data files are stored.

If you are running a 64 bit version of Windows, the registry location for this preference will be at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Beiley Software\AHABS\Preferences

Server Question:  How can I transfer a local address book I've created with the Handy Client to the Handy Server?
Answer:  The are a couple of ways.  The easiest is if you have direct access to the server.  In this case, just copy the address book file (*.abk) to the data folder (C:\ProgramData\AHABS) on the server.

If you do not have direct access to the server, you can use copy/paste or export/import to get your address book transferred.  To use copy/paste open your local address book, select all the contacts using "Edit / Select All", and then copy the contacts to the clipboard using "Edit / Copy".  Next, create an address book on the server using "File / New..." and then use "Edit / Paste" to copy all the contacts into your new address book on the server.

Server Question:  How do I add a picture into a contact?
Answer:  Use HTML in your contact's note section to reference an image located on any web server.  For example, if you enter the following into the "Notes" section for your contact:

<img border="0" src="https://www.handyaddressbook.com/images/logo.gif">

when that contact is displayed the referenced image will be displayed.

Server Question:  How do I uninstall Handy Address Book?
Answer:  Handy Address Book uninstalls just like any other Windows program.  You can uninstall it from the Control Panel in Windows, or with the shortcut at: "Start / All Programs / Handy Address Book Server / Repair or Uninstall Handy Address Book".