Documentation ->
Server Administration -> Installations
A Handy Address Book Server supports having multiple "installations".
Installations are logically separate from each other. Each installation
has its own set of users, address books, permissions, etc. All
installations are serviced by a single running copy of Handy Server. To
manage your installations press the "Administration... / Installations..."
buttons from the main GUI.Each installation can be assigned a quota of
allowed address books, and optionally an expiration date. See an example
screen shot.
Handy Server will start off with a single <Default Installation>. Each
installation is stored in a separate folder underneath the data directory for
Handy Server. To access the default installation you would go to the URL:<port#>
To access any other installation, append the name of the installation to the
URL, like this:<port#>/installation
You can organize installations into sub-folders as deep as you'd like, so for
example, you could have an installation at:<port#>/Dept_ABC/Mary |